Meet Lay Mi Jing Nheu

What is the most significant event that you have witnessed in your lifetime?
Special moment was Chinese New Year, very important to me.

Can you tell me about a particularly memorable experience from your youth?
I met my husband when I was 16. We started dating at the age of 18 and got married at the age of 20. That time was the happiest when I was young.

What are some of the biggest changes you have seen in your lifetime?
Because of the war in East Timor, our family left East Timor in 1984 and went to Portugal to live there for five years, and then came to Australia in 1989.

Can you tell us about a person who has had a big impact on your life?
My sister-in-law Maria, she has sacrificed a lot for our family and has never been married.

Tell us about a time when you faced a difficult challenge and how you overcame it?
My husband died in 1978 and I lived with my son and sister-in-law. Because of the war our family business stopped. I had to cut clothes and sewing clothes to live on.

What advice would you give to someone just starting out in life?
1. Try new things
2. Don’t be afraid to fail
3. Be willing to change.

Tell us about a tradition or custom from your youth that you still practice today / or practiced for many years?
Chinese new year, we always celebrate with family.

What is a place you have travelled to that you found particularly interesting or beautiful? Why?
China - Our family travelled to China with a tour group and went to many places. We saw the great changes in China and made us overseas Chinese feel proud.

What is something you have learned in your long life that you would like to share with others?
Live happily every day until the end of life.

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