Couples in SummitCare homes

When you’ve been married or living together for a few decades then being separated when you move into a residential aged care home can be difficult and unsettling.. It can be difficult when you’ve lived your life a certain way with the person you love.

Starting life in an aged care home doesn’t have to be difficult though and SummitCare caters for couples who want to stay together when they move into residential care. We have rooms specifically designed for couples and can cater for anyone’s needs.

Whilst some people will move into residential aged care by themselves while their partner or spouse remains in the family home, others choose to move into the aged care home with their spouse.

Moving into an aged care facility can be daunting because you’re dealing with a new environment and you no longer have the comforts of your own home. You’re in unfamiliar surroundings. It doesn’t have to be that way through. SummitCare wants to make everyone’s experience as comfortable as possible by giving residents the opportunity to live with their spouse in our couples rooms.

SummitCare homes are designed to include couples rooms where couples can stay. Our residents have experienced many health benefits by being able to live with their spouse. Couples who live together in residential aged care are less likely to suffer from depression, anxiety or other mental health issues, which also improves their physical health outcomes and gives them a better quality of life.  

When choosing residential aged care, our staff will actively work with you and your family to ensure you and your spouse can remain together. This is irrespective of if one of your family members requires more care than the other. Our goal is to give you the choice to live how you want to without unnecessary interference or influence.

Ultimately our years of experience tell us that giving people choice and the ability to maintain their social connections is beneficial to everyone.

If you’d like to discuss your needs then give us a call on 1300 68 55 48 or email us.

St Mary’s welcomes many couples and Dennis and Poppi who are both from Greece. Poppi moved in in September 2018 and Dennis came to the home in November 2019 where they have lived ever since.

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