Residents' Tasting and Food Committees

Reflecting our philosophy to offer a truly personalised experience to residents, SummitCare constantly reviews our centre menus and regularly consults with our residents’ food committees at all of our homes on their food and beverage choices.

At SummitCare, we love feedback from our residents, so we include them in our new seasonal menu tastings to get their input.

We also invite families to provide their thoughts on our meal choice options.

The meals at SummitCare are created in consultation with a nutritionist and we regularly review them to improve the meals’ taste and nutritional value.

Not only is the right diet important as we age, eating a meal in a communal setting, like our dining rooms, is wonderful for independence and connection.

Food is important not only for optimal health but also for creating opportunities for our residents to come together, in a pleasant and relaxed setting, to enjoy a meal and glass of wine together.

By consulting our residents about their menu choices, we involve them in important choices that are good for their health and help them enjoy mealtimes even more!

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